Introduction to Remote Computing
August 2021
This workshop was offered via teleconference in August, 2021, through a collaboration by the UC Davis DataLab and the NIH Common Fund Data Ecosystem. Lesson materials and videos are linked below.
Introductory skills
Workshop 1: Introduction to the UNIX Command Line (video)
Workshop 2: Creating and modifying text files on remote computers (video)
Intermediate skills
Workshop 3: Connecting to remote computers with ssh (video)
Workshop 4: Running programs on remote computers and retrieving the results (video)
Workshop 5: Installing software on remote computers with conda (video)
Workshop 6: Structuring your projects for current and future you (video)
Workshop 7: Automating your analyses and executing long-running analyses on remote computers (video)
Workshop 8: Keeping track of your files with version control (video)
Advanced skills
Workshop 9: Automating your analyses with the snakemake workflow system (video)
Workshop 10: Executing large analyses on HPC clusters with slurm (video)
Workshop 11: Making use of on-demand “cloud” computers from Amazon Web Services (video)