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Comparing metagenomes

The tutorial uses sourmash to do comparisons of multiple metagenomes based on weighted and unweighted k-mer content.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create distance matrices and ordination plots from metagenome content. Importantly, this tutorial is reference and annotation free - it will work equally well on any metagenome.

First, create a conda software environment and a working directory.

To install the necessary software, run:

mamba create -n smash -y sourmash scikit-learn
conda activate smash

Then create a directory for this tutorial:

mkdir ~/compare-metag
cd ~/compare-metag

Comparing based on content

Here we are going to use the sourmash compare and sourmash plot commands to compare and cluster many metagenomes based on their content.

As with the single metagenome analysis, we have two options here: with, or without abundance information.

If we use abundance information, we will be comparing the genomic diversity of the data set. In this kind of comparison, if two samples have the same dominant species, but many different species at lower abundances, the two samples will appear to be quite similar.

If we discard abundance information and just focus on genomic content, we will be looking at richness. In this kind of comparison, samples with similar dominant species but many lower abundance species will look very different.

Non abundance-weighted comparison of species composition & richness

Let's first compare all of the samples without abundances, using only presence/absence of sequences.


sourmash compare ../data/tutorial_other/CD* \
    -o compare.flat.cmp -k 31 --ignore-abund

and then plot:


sourmash plot compare.flat.cmp

You will get a file compare.flat.cmp.matrix.png that looks like this:

unweighted (flat) sample comparison matrix

Points to discuss:

  • neither the distance matrix nor the dendrogram on the left show strong signs of clustering.

You can convert the distance matrix to an MDS plot where you will see that there is no clear clustering there either, of course (since it's a different view of the same data).


../scripts/ compare.flat.cmp -o compare.flat.mds.png

unweighted (flat) MDS plot

Abundance-weighted comparison of diveristy

Now let's compare the samples using content abundance. This uses the cosine similarity between the abundance vectors of the sequences, rather than just the presence/absence vector.


sourmash compare ../data/tutorial_other/CD* \
    -o compare.abund.cmp -k 31

And then plot.


sourmash plot compare.abund.cmp

and you will see the following, in a file compare.abund.cmp.matrix.png.

abundance-weighted sample comparison matrix

Points to discuss:

  • unlike the previous figures, here we see a clear set of clustering that corresponds to sample origin.

If you plot this via MDS, you'll see a clear separation:

../scripts/ compare.abund.cmp -o compare.abund.mds.png

weighted (abund) MDS plot

Points to discuss:

  • what does this all mean, in ~microbial terms? Hint: ask Mani to revist how the test data sets were generated! Alternatively, go on to the next section!

Extra: examining taxonomy

If we quickly run our taxonomy analysis on one of the other samples, we can maybe start to see some of the reasons for the differences in diversity but not richness:

mamba activate tax

sourmash scripts fastgather ../data/tutorial_other/ \
    ../databases/ -o CD240.x.gtdb-rs214.fastgather.csv -c 16

sourmash gather ../data/tutorial_other/ \
    ../databases/ -o CD240.x.gtdb-rs214.gather.csv \
    --picklist CD240.x.gtdb-rs214.fastgather.csv:match_name:ident

sourmash tax metagenome -g CD240.x.gtdb-rs214.gather.csv \
    -t ../single-metag/gtdb-rs214.lineages.sqldb -F human

You should see:

sample name    proportion   cANI   lineage
-----------    ----------   ----   -------
CD240             42.2%     94.0%  d__Bacteria;p__Bacteroidota;c__Bacteroidia;o__Bacteroidales;f__Bacteroidaceae;g__Bacteroides;s__Bacteroides uniformis
CD240             19.5%     94.5%  d__Bacteria;p__Bacteroidota;c__Bacteroidia;o__Bacteroidales;f__Bacteroidaceae;g__Bacteroides;s__Bacteroides fragilis
CD240             12.6%     94.1%  d__Bacteria;p__Bacteroidota;c__Bacteroidia;o__Bacteroidales;f__Tannerellaceae;g__Parabacteroides;s__Parabacteroides distasonis
CD240             11.7%     91.2%  d__Bacteria;p__Bacillota_A;c__Clostridia;o__Oscillospirales;f__Acutalibacteraceae;g__Ruminococcus_E;s__Ruminococcus_E bromii_B
CD240             11.4%     -      unclassified
CD240              2.6%     91.4%  d__Bacteria;p__Bacillota_A;c__Clostridia;o__Oscillospirales;f__Ruminococcaceae;g__Faecalibacterium;s__Faecalibacterium prausnitzii_D

That's right - both samples have similar species, but the abundances of those species are quite different.

Note that in this case that's not an accident: the dataset was created specifically to contain only five species ;).

Next tutorial: Analyzing metagenomes for Antimicrobial Resistance Genes