Environmental Metatranscriptomics, Nov 2018
These are the online materials for the environmental metatranscriptomics workshop run at CICESE in November 2018.
This workshop runs under a Code of Conduct. Please respect it and be excellent to each other!
Please use the following hackmd for notes: https://tinyurl.com/cicese-metaT
Day 1: Nov 8, 2018
- Introduction and Metatranscriptomics overview
- Bienvenidos!
- Logging into the cluster
- Setting up the software
- Intro to TARA Oceans sample data
- Short read quality control
- Taxonomic classification with sourmash gather
- Sample Comparison
- Metatranscriptomic workflows and considerations
Day 2: Nov 9, 2018
- Error Trimming
- Metatranscriptome Assembly with Megahit
- Assessing assembly quality
- Annotating your assembly
- Counting transcriptomes
Additional Resources:
- Installing this software in the future
- References
- SEQ Answers
- Biostars
- Data Carpentry
- DIB Summer Institute
Suggested readings
- A global ocean atlas of eukaryotic genes - This is the paper from which we pulled all of our sample data.