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To edit these docs:

If you want to edit the docs, you'll need to grab the mkdocs-material-dib submodule.

If cloning the repo for the first time:

git clone --recursive

recursive will pull the submodule as well as the main git repo.

If you already have the repo, and need to pull in the submodule:

git submodule update --init

Editing and creating new docs

All docs should be written in md in the docs folder, and committed to the repo as usual. If you added new documentation, be sure to add it into the site navigation in mkdocs.yml, or link to it from another doc.

  • sidebar navigation: edit mkdocs.yml

For the 2018 cicese workshop, also edit the schedule in docs/

After editing the docs, use mkdocs to deploy:

Install mkdocs and ghp-import if necessary:

conda install  -c conda-forge mkdocs
conda install -c conda-forge ghp-import

Build docs folder into site:

mkdocs build

View changes locally:

mkdocs serve

When satisfyed, push docs changes to gh-pages branch:

ghp-import site -p