Installing this software in the future
Installing this software in the future
In the future, if you want to run the tutorials on your own, you'll need to set up conda in your own account - see instructions).
To install all the tools we used in the future, we can 1. install from
an environment yaml
file, or 2. install everything manually.
Option 1: Installing from a file
At the end of the course, we exported info from the tara
environment using:
conda env export -n tara -f $PROJECT/tara_conda_environment.yaml
You can find download this file here
To make a new conda env like this, download that file, then run:
conda env create -f tara_conda_environment.yaml
you shuld then be able to:
source activate tara
and you remember you can exit this environment with source deactivate
Option 2: Installing Manualling
Then create an environment to work in:
conda create -n tara
and activate it:
source activate tara
Now, install the software!
conda install fastqc multiqc trimmomatic khmer busco megahit sourmash salmon r dammit cd-hit
To make sure you have access to these conda-installed programs, try to execute some of them:
Conda works for most of the software we'll use in the workshop. However, there are some exceptions: notably, transrate.
To install transrate, follow the instructions here.
You can also try the following:
cd <location-to-put-transrate>
tar xvf transrate-1.0.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
To put transrate in your path, you can execute:
echo 'export PATH=/LUSTRE/apps/workshop/transrate-1.0.3-linux-x86_64:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Then check that transrate is properly installed with
transrate -h