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Short Read Quality Control

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Data source

We will be using RNAseq reads from a small subset of data from the TARA Oceans Expedition, from Alberti et al., 2017 and analyzed as part of A global ocean atlas of eukaryotic genes.

Set up workspace and download the data

First, make some directories to work in:

mkdir -p work/data

Next, change into the data dir and download the data subsets:

cd work/data
wget -O
wget -O

Now, let's unzip and make the files difficult to delete


chmod u-w *fq.gz

To make life easier, let's define a variable for the location of this tara working directory:

 export PROJECT=~/work

Check that your data is where it should be

ls $PROJECT/data/

If you see all the files you think you should, good! Otherwise, debug.

These are FASTQ files -- let's take a look at them:

zless $PROJECT/data//TARA_135_DCM_5-20_rep1_1m_1.fq.gz

(use the spacebar to scroll down, and type 'q' to exit 'zless')


  • where does the filename come from?
  • why are there 1 and 2 in the file names?


Quality trimming and light quality filtering

Make sure you've got the PROJECT location defined, and your data is there:

set -u
printf "\nMy raw data is in $PROJECT/data/, and consists of $(ls -1 ${PROJECT}/data/*.fq.gz | wc -l) files\n\n"
set +u

Important: If you get an error above or the count of files is wrong...STOP!! Revisit the download & unzip instructions!

Change into your project directory and make a workspace for quality trimming:

mkdir -p quality
cd quality

Now, link the data files into your new workspace

ln -s ../data/*.fq.gz ./

(Linking with ln avoids having to make a copy of the files, which will take up storage space.)

Check to make sure it worked

printf "I see $(ls -1 *.fq.gz | wc -l) files here.\n"

You can also do an ls to list the files.

If you see only one entry, *.fq.gz, then the ln command above didn't work properly. One possibility is that your files aren't in your data directory; another is that their names don't end with .fq.gz.


We're going to use FastQC to summarize the data.

To install fastqc via conda: Note: make sure you've followed the conda setup instructions.

conda install fastqc

Now, run FastQC on the files:

fastqc *.fq.gz

After this finishes running (has to run on each file so might take a while), type 'ls':

ls -d **

to list the files, and you should see a number of files with the extensions

Inside each of the fastqc directories you will find reports from the fastqc.

We can view one of these files here, and the second pair of that sample here

You can download these files using a technique we'll show you later.


  • What should you pay attention to in the FastQC report?
  • Which is "better", file 1 or file 2? And why?


There are several caveats about FastQC - the main one is that it only calculates certain statistics (like duplicated sequences) for subsets of the data (e.g. duplicate sequences are only analyzed for the first 100,000 sequences in each file.


If you would like to aggregate all of your fastqc reports across many samples, MultiQC will do this into a single report for easy comparison.

Install MultiQC with conda:

conda install multiqc

Run MultiQC:

multiqc .

The terminal output should look like this:

[INFO   ]         multiqc : This is MultiQC v1.6
[INFO   ]         multiqc : Template    : default
[INFO   ]         multiqc : Searching '.'
[INFO   ]          fastqc : Found 8 reports
[INFO   ]         multiqc : Compressing plot data
[INFO   ]         multiqc : Report      : multiqc_report.html
[INFO   ]         multiqc : Data        : multiqc_data
[INFO   ]         multiqc : MultiQC complete

You can view this report here

If you are unable to use scp though a terminal output, you can see the fastqc html output here

Adapter trim each pair of files

Install Trimmomatic:

conda install trimmomatic

Setup trim directory:

mkdir -p trim
cd trim
ln -s ../data/*.fq.gz .
cat /LUSTRE/apps/workshop/miniconda3/envs/tara/share/trimmomatic*/adapters/* > combined.fa

See this excellent paper on trimming from MacManes 2014.


for filename in *1.fq.gz
#Use the program basename to remove _1.fq.gz to generate the base
base=$(basename $filename _1.fq.gz)
echo $base

# run Trimmomatic
trimmomatic PE ${base}_1.fq.gz \
              ${base}_2.fq.gz \
     ${base}_1.qc.fq.gz s1_se \
     ${base}_2.qc.fq.gz s2_se \
     ILLUMINACLIP:combined.fa:2:40:15 \
# save the orphans
gzip -9c s1_se s2_se >> orphans.qc.fq.gz
rm -f s1_se s2_se


Now, run fastqc again on trimmed files:

fastqc *.qc.fq.gz
multiqc .

The paired sequences output by this set of commands will be in the files ending in .qc.fq.gz, with any orphaned sequences all together in orphans.qc.fq.gz.

Make these trimmed reads read-only and keep them, as we will reuse them later.

chmod a-w ${PROJECT}/trim/*.qc.fq.gz


  • How do you figure out what the parameters mean?
  • How do you figure out what parameters to use?
  • What adapters do you use?
  • What version of Trimmomatic are we using here? (And FastQC?)
  • Do you think parameters are different for RNAseq and genomic data sets?
  • What's with these annoyingly long and complicated filenames?
  • why are we running R1 and R2 together?

For a discussion of optimal trimming strategies, see MacManes, 2014 -- it's about RNAseq but similar arguments should apply to metagenome assembly.



  • is the quality trimmed data "better" than before?
  • Does it matter that you still have adapters!?