1. Learning goals
For you:
- get a first (or second) look at tools;
- gain some experience in the basic command line;
- get 80% of way to a complete analysis of some data;
- introduction to philosophy and perspective of data analysis in science;
2. Safe space and code of conduct
This is intended to be a safe and friendly place for learning!
Please see the workshop Code of Conduct
In particular, please ask questions, because I guarantee you that your question will help others!
3. Instructor introductions
Taylor Reiter - grad student at UC Davis
Tessa Pierce - postdoc at UC Davis
Titus Brown - prof at UC Davis in the School of Vet Med
4. Sticky notes and how they work
Basic rules:
- no sticky note - "working on it"
- green sticky note - "all is well"
- red sticky note - "need help!"
Place the sticky notes where we can see them from the back of the room -- e.g. on the back of your laptop.
Next: Logging into the cluster