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Setting up MkDocs in a new repo

In your repo:

Add mkdocs-material-dib as a submodule:

git submodule add
echo "site/" >> .gitignore


git add .gitmodules .gitignore mkdocs-material-dib
git commit .gitmodules .gitignore mkdocs-material-dib -m 'Add mkdocs-material-dib submodule'

Install mkdocs and ghp-import if necessary:

conda install  -c conda-forge mkdocs
conda install -c conda-forge ghp-import

Edit site info and create docs

Edit the info in mkdocs.yml to reflect your repo name and address, color, and sidebar navigation. You'll also see that you can change the names for your docs directory and built web pages, but I assume here that they are docs and site, respectively.

Make a docs directory where you'll add the markdown docs for the website. Commit a simple hello world or similar md file to start.

mkdir -p docs
echo '# Hello World' > docs/

Deploy the site

Go to Settings in your repo, and enable Github Pages for your repository.

In your repo, build the site:

mkdocs build

View your site locally:

mkdocs serve

Push your changes to gh-pages:

ghp-import site -p

Check your Github Pages URL for your simple md file:


Continue to edit your docs, using mkdocs build to build the html version of the site, and ghp-import to push to gh-pages. Voila!

If you're cloning a repo with a mkdocs submodule:

If you want to edit the docs, you'll need to grab the mkdocs-material-dib submodule.

If cloning the repo for the first time:

git clone --recursive

recursive will pull the submodule as well as the main git repo.

If you already have the repo, and need to pull in the submodule:

git submodule update --init

For more details, follow the instructions here